Ad performance measurement to increase the monetization of your FAST service

Lots of people believe that television ads are completely dying out, but the truth is that they have been migrating to popular streaming platforms through services such as Google Ads TV. It also looks like streaming transmissions are the television of the future, and that over the next few years more than 80 % of homes will acquire connected television devices.

What’s the difference between linear television and traditional television? While both formats air programming in specific time slots, their difference lies in the way they reach the consumer. Traditional television is offered through a cable provider, whereas to access linear transmission, the OTT service used requires internet access. 

As a result of this constant technological evolution, many services such as FAST are nothing more than streaming television with free linear advertising, a series of free channels that have inserted advertisements. In this document you’ll learn how to measure the performance of those ads to monetize your FAST service

Three keys to improve the performance of the ads in your FAST service

The performance of your ads on FAST channels can certainly optimize your monetization, but not unless you are able to to measure the effectiveness of your business model and your advertising strategies. 

To achieve this objective you must know your audience in depth. It’s not enough to just know their preferences; knowing their needs and anticipating their behavior is the first step to improving user experience.

In addition to connecting with the audience, it’s important to understand how viewers approach your FAST channels. This requires an analysis and study of visualization, average viewing time, reach, program relevance and popularity,  completion rates, and much more. 

And last but not least, you will need to evaluate the response to your advertising strategy, by analyzing the display, duration, display time, frequency and reach of your ads. 

At Jump Data-Driven Video we have the knowledge and skills to optimize the performance of your ads and increase the monetization of your FAST channels. We can provide you with the necessary tools to understand the behavior of your audience and how well your OTT is operating, thereby putting strategies at your disposal, for personalization and effective marketing campaigns that can increase audience participation by 100 % and increase their level of experience. 

How to get a smooth advertising experience

As we have seen, streaming advertising is a particularly viable option today, but if you want positive results to increase the monetization of your FAST, the advertising experience must be very fluid and entirely satisfactory for the consumer. 

Reduced ads with a clear personalization strategy help maintain viewer interest and permanence, so they don’t become fatigued or stop viewing the content.

With an increasingly demanding audience and so many OTT options available, a quality experience must involve an improvement in any basic aspect of the service, such as buffer storage, which may strongly affect viewer participation, so by improving this, the monetizable display time will increase. 

For many people, the ad experience is not satisfactory, and yet most viewers prefer to display ads as a way to access content for free, because they can’t afford or don’t want a paid subscription to an OTT service. But when an ad fails or has delays, the impatience of consumers following such failures and delays, about 20 % of viewers stop watching the content after just five seconds of wait time.

For a smooth advertising experience, ad presentation must be as efficient as possible, by minimizing failures, delays, and quality degradation and improving buffer storage, which are some of the most common reasons why viewers may abandon the visualization of content.

What else causes viewer dissatisfaction during ads?

Not understanding the nature and expectations of both your viewers and your advertisers can clearly generate a degree of dissatisfaction that will not allow you to achieve your monetization goal. 

Another common cause of dissatisfaction is viewer distrust in compliance with privacy laws and policies. About 75-80 % of viewers were satisfied with ad-supported videos as long as they were made to feel that their privacy was being protected. 

It’s important to note that privacy laws and manufacturer policies are constantly subject to change, and that to measure ad performance, it is not enough to rely on strategies such as IP collection or cookie targeting. It’s important to have a variety of identifiers and metadata that continue to provide accurate results, without compromising the trust of the viewer. 

Saturation can also generate viewer dissatisfaction. This usually happens when there is no way to control the frequency of an ad, so that the consumer views the same ad over and over again in a period of time, which could result in both abandonment and the development of negative feelings towards both the ad and the brand. 

How do viewers consume content and ads? 

The most practical and feasible way to know this is by collecting video data, bearing in mind that an editor wants to know the real size of its audience, while the advertiser only needs to know how the content is projected to viewers, through the different devices available in homes.

Getting the data from inside the video player allows you to capture this standardized audience on different connected devices such as Apple TV, Roku, Amazon and many others, and mobile devices ranging from Smartphones, to televisions, and laptops and desktops.