Jump Discovery

Enhances viewer satisfaction through optimized
content discovery

Cowboy Channel Logo
Jump Discovery integrates the latest Artificial Intelligence technology to redefine Video Services, ensuring unmatched personalization in content discovery. Our comprehensive product suite enables platforms to deliver immersive and tailored experiences.
Personalize your video service user experience using advanced AI


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Individualized and Contextual Recommendations

Personalizer adapts recommendations to user behavior, device, and timing, offering a range of AI-driven use cases.

Supports millions of users across all devices, in 43 languages, and manages multiple catalogues, setting the right language automatically and many more.

Enhance user experience, boost engagement, and elevate your audience.

Multiple personalization experiences for both VOD, FAST and Linear TV:

  • For You
  • Similar Content
  • ‘Because You Watched
  • Most Popular
  • Trending Now
  • Continue Watching
  • Watch Again
  • New Releases
  • Next Episode
  • In-Player Recommendations

Empower your marketing members with the right tool for increased impact

Take your personalization journey to new heights by extending it across all your business communication channels. Dive into the world of personalized emails that establish meaningful connections with your audience, utilize push notifications as a dynamic tool for real-time engagement, and implement precision-crafted promotions to not only enhance user experiences but also unlock upselling potential.

Gain relevant insights into the personalization strategies implemented and iterate to enhance your strategy

Meticulous measurement of personalization is the cornerstone of a video streaming company’s journey, bridging the gap between user expectations and content delivery. It enables continuous refinement of recommendation strategies to keep viewers engaged and delighted.

Personalized Content Impressions

Personalized Content Page Visits

Personalized Content Click-Through Rate

Personalized Content Playback Conversion Rate

Data-Driven Strategy Testing for Personalized Content

Create and evaluate multiple tests to determine the most effective recommendation and content editorialization strategies, ensuring that your viewers enjoy a personalized and engaging journey.

Blending editorial expertise with our advanced recommendation engine, reshaping user experiences instantly

Editorial Control: Complete control over editorial carousels & campaigns​

Create and manage editorial carousels
Target your content to specific audiences and segments
Measure the performance of your editorial carousels

UX Management: Create, A/B test, manage and modify use cases and campaigns

Page Personalization: Provide 1to1 personalization easier, faster, and better.

Dynamic Categories: Create dynamic carrousels, collections and showcase them.

Page Layout: Simple and easy way to control the page real estate.

Multi-language search capability at scale

Multi-language AI-search capability at scale

Our AI-driven tool simplifies content search and delivers personalized recommendations tailored to your preferences. With powerful multi-language capability and advanced search functionalities, enjoy a seamless journey through entertainment. Key features include

Powerful Universal Advanced Search featuring massive scalability.

Measure popular/ trending search terms and search intent.

Auto-complete and search suggestions for better customer experience.

Advanced Search.

 Search Beyond Catalog.

Automatic content metadata enrichment for better discovery

Automatic enrichment for better discovery

Jump Tagging revolutionizes content discovery and recommendation capabilities by providing precise identification of the most relevant genres, moods, and themes across your video library. This tool enriches the ability to connect viewers with their preferred content effortlessly.

Main features include:

  • Plot analysis
  • Character Analysis
  • Genre Analysis
  • Cinematography and Visual Analysis
  • Color Analysis
  • Mood Analysis
  • Sound and Music Analysis

Maverick, Goose's son, mentor, guilt, redemption, love for flying

The “Top Gun: Maverick” trailer centers on Maverick, emphasizing his prowess as a pilot and his emotional complexities. The development of his character seems poised to explore his internal conflicts, particularly as he takes on a mentoring role. The dynamic between Maverick and Goose’s son is highlighted as potentially pivotal, with Maverick possibly serving as a surrogate father, all while dealing with the guilt associated with Goose’s death. Maverick’s motivations are layered, driven by his passion for flying, his commitment to honoring Goose, and his pursuit of personal redemption.
Optimize your content strategy with advanced analytics that allow you to understand its performance and fine-tune your content editorialization and personalization strategies

Business Snapshot

With our Business Snapshot feature, you’ll have a clear overview of your subscribers, revenue, engagement, content ranking, and more, so you can make informed decisions for fast growth.


The Acquisition feature provides insights into new and total subscribers, subscriptions, and package migration patterns, allowing you to understand how your subscribers interact with your value proposition.


The Monetization feature gives you a comprehensive view of your service revenues (recurrent,  transactional, and advertisement), ARPU, and subscriber lifetime value, helping you maximize your revenue.


Our Engagement feature gives you a deep dive into your users’ behavior and engagement patterns, with subscriber clustering insights to target your audience effectively.


The Retention feature provides valuable insights into cancellations and churn rate, so you can address the reasons behind them.


Our Content Performance feature provides a detailed analysis of your content consumption and performance, including content type, device usage, and ranking, so you can understand how your content resonates with your audience.

FAST Audience

The FAST Audience Measurement provides valuable insights into your channel’s performance, including share, reach, and AMA, among others, allowing you to understand your audience and programming performance.


The Ads Performance Metrics provides a complete understanding of your ad impressions revenues, click-through rate, and more, allowing you to optimize your advertising efforts.

UX Performance

The User Experience Performance provides a detailed analysis of your user experience, including relevant journeys (e.g.first-playback or sign-up) and navigation analyses, so you can improve your user experience.


The Personalization Performance feature provides insights into personalization reach and content consumption uplift, so you can understand the impact of your personalization efforts.

Digital Marketing

The Digital Marketing Performance feature provides a complete understanding of your marketing efforts, including performance metrics for the awareness, consideration, conversion, engagement, and upselling phases.

Quality of Experiece

QoE is an analytics tool to improve the viewers quality of experience to better retain and engage them. Creating unique experiences and taking care of the users’ journey is essential to increase their consumption. But, to engage and retain the current audience, the quality of the video streaming experience is key.
Play Video
Reimagining content discovery by humanizing interactions, our vision is to unlock a world where natural language conversations guide users to the content they love, effortlessly and intuitively


Discovery Experience

The platform’s conversational model fosters an interactive exploration process, elevating the routine task of searching for a movie into a captivating exchange about cinematic tastes and aspirations.

Natural Language Interaction

Central to its prowess is the adeptness at comprehending and responding to natural language, enabling users to articulate their preferences as they would to a movie connoisseur. This methodology makes the film selection process more intimate and engaging.

Advanced Custom Gen AI Technology

At its core lies the innovative Custom Gen AI, engineered for detailed understanding and generation of human-like responses. This state-of-the-art technology ensures precision and contextual relevance in every recommendation, reflecting a deep understanding of the user’s query.

Customized Recommendations

Unparalleled in its ability to curate film suggestions meticulously tailored to the individual’s specific tastes, emotional states, and interests. It adeptly navigates the spectrum of cinematic genres to connect users with films that resonate on a personal level.

Extensive Genre Coverage

It boasts an impressive versatility in accommodating a wide array of genres and themes, inviting users to venture beyond their customary preferences. From the intrigue of thrillers to the warmth of romances, there’s a gateway to a rich diversity of cinematic experiences.

Advanced Custom Gen AI Technology

At its core lies the innovative Custom Gen AI, engineered for detailed understanding and generation of human-like responses. This state-of-the-art technology ensures precision and contextual relevance in every recommendation, reflecting a deep understanding of the user’s query.

Receive top-notch professional and reliable support for Personalized Marketing, Content Curation, and Editorialization.

360° Data-Driven Personalization Marketing Agency

Our services are tailored to optimize every stage of the viewer’s journey, transforming passive viewers into engaged users and loyal ambassadors for your video brand.

By enhancing personalization at each stage of the user journey, we ensure your video service attracts, engages, and retains viewers

Content Crafted for True Connection

Dive into the art and science of content curation and editorialization. Our tailored recommendations and captivating narratives are designed to:

Crafting Content Strategies for Success

Boosting Consumption and Elevating User Experiences

Tailored Recommendations for Personal Connection


Data-Driven Excellence

We’re more than just marketers; we’re data experts. Our comprehensive data-driven approach combines the power of data-driven marketing, sophisticated data analysis, and content curation and editorialization to fuel your success.

Deep Audience Segmentation

We identify and analyze nuanced audience groups, tailoring campaigns to resonate with each segment for increased effectiveness.

AI-Powered Personalization

Our campaigns are fully personalized to individuals, ensuring relevance and optimizing engagement. Our AI algorithms continuously learn and adapt in real-time for optimal performance.

All-in One Analytics

With vast experience partnering with top global video brands, our team possesses deep industry knowledge. We leverage this expertise to enhance your organization with proven strategies for success.

We merge technology and expertise to amplify your business.