Have you ever wondered why some videos look better than others on the internet? Or why they sometimes pause or pixelate? The answer lies in the concept of video quality of experience (QoE), which refers to the assessment of service quality from a customer’s perspective. QoE is a key factor for the success of video streaming services as it influences user satisfaction, loyalty, and consumption. In this article, we will explain what QoE is, how it is measured, and how you can improve your viewers’ experience.

What is video quality of experience? 

QoE is a multidimensional concept that encompasses different aspects related to the subjective perception of video quality. These aspects include:

  • Technical video quality, which depends on parameters such as resolution, bitrate, framerate, format, codec, etc.
  • Quality of service (QoS), which refers to the performance of the network and the system delivering the video, measured by indicators such as startup time, buffering, delay, packet loss, etc.
  • Content quality, which is based on video attributes such as genre, duration, complexity, interest level, etc.
  • Context quality, which takes into account the user’s environmental and personal conditions, such as device, screen, sound, lighting, mood, expectations, etc. 

QoE is not a single, objective measure but rather varies for each user and situation. Therefore, different methods combining objective and subjective measurements are used to evaluate it.

How is QoE measured? 

Methods for measuring QoE can be classified into two types:

  1. Subjective methods: These involve collecting user opinions about video quality through surveys or rating scales. These methods are the most reliable for capturing the actual perception of QoE but are also the most expensive and difficult to implement.
  2. Objective methods: These involve applying mathematical algorithms or statistical models to estimate QoE based on technical parameters or QoS metrics. These methods are faster and easier to apply but are also more susceptible to errors and variation. 

Objective methods for measuring QoE 

They can be divided into two categories:

Intrusive methods

These methods require a reference to the original video to compare it with the delivered video and calculate the difference or distortion. These methods are usually more accurate but also more invasive and less practical for live streaming. 

Non-intrusive methods

These methods do not require a reference to the original video but instead rely on features extracted from the delivered video or the network. These methods are usually less precise but also more flexible and adaptable to live streaming. 

Some examples of objective methods are:

  • Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)

Measures the ratio between the maximum signal power and the noise introduced by compression or transmission. It is expressed in decibels (dB), and the higher the value, the better the quality. 

  • Structural Similarity Index (SSIM)

Measures the structural similarity between two images or videos based on factors such as brightness, contrast, and correlation. It is expressed as a value between 0 and 1, with 1 indicating maximum similarity and quality. 

  • Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF)

Combines multiple objective methods to obtain a final score that represents QoE. It is expressed as a value between 0 and 100, with 100 indicating maximum quality.

How to improve video quality of experience? 

To improve video quality of experience, you should consider several factors that can affect technical quality, QoS, content, and context:

  • Use a video encoder that optimizes the quality and bitrate of your videos based on the chosen format, codec, resolution, and framerate.
  • Utilize a streaming platform that ensures fast and efficient delivery of your videos to users, with low latency and high availability. For example, Jump Data-Driven offers an intelligent streaming platform that adapts to user behavior and preferences.
  • Employ an analytics tool that allows you to monitor the QoE of your videos in real-time and obtain information about performance metrics, errors, interruptions, and user satisfaction. For example, JUMP Insights provides an advanced video analytics tool that helps improve viewer experience and retention.

If you want to learn more about improving the QoE of your videos , we invite you to discover solutions for video streaming . With JUMP DATA DRIVEN VIDEO , a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players , you can provide an optimal video experience to your users and increase the value of your content. Don’t wait any longer, contact us now!