5 Steps for the User Experience Process

The user experience process is an iterative method that can be used to continuously improve a design, through user feedback. One of its main characteristics is that it is not a fixed process. The user experience process can change depending on the preferences of each UX designer or adapt to the characteristics of each specific project.

How to Create a User Experience Process

The user experience process is repeated cyclically. Each phase is made up of different actions that can overlap.

These actions are:

  • Strategy. This action includes several fronts: outlining the main lines of the project and aligning them with the business objectives.
  • Research. An essential task. It will help us to know what users are asking for and what the competition is offering them. The more data that is collected, the stronger the foundation on which to build a good user experience.
  • Analysis. All the information collected during the research phase requires an analysis that allows the UX designer to understand what the user really needs and what the best way to offer it is.
  • Design. The design of wireframes, prototypes, and interactive designs allow you to focus on finding the best solution to the user’s needs. By working without graphic or visual elements, you can clearly determine the flow that will lead users to where you want to take them.
  • Production. This is where we create the visual identity and content of the project. After finishing this task, we can present it to stakeholders, developers, and users to validate the design.

Phases of the UX Process

  1. Strategy phase

The goal of this first phase is to begin determining the scope of the project. It is also when you are going to define the business objectives and, above all, the needs of the user. Your actions should be strategy and research, either in parallel or one after the other. Both will give you information about the end-user, the competition, the problem you want to solve, and the means you have to achieve it.

  1. Scoping phase

In this phase, the scope of the project will be determined, and its basic characteristics and functions defined. For this, you will need to create a functional specification and a content requirement. The main action in this phase is analysis: all the information collected in the previous phase is fundamental.

  1. Structure phase

In this phase of the experience process, the information architecture and the user interaction flow are defined. The analysis is still important, but the design also comes into play. Tools like flow charts will help you conceptualize the project in an abstract manner.

  1. Skeleton elaboration phase

During the skeletonization phase, the graphical interface is designed and its components are placed. Design using wireframes or prototypes is the most common action in this phase. If the feedback is positive, you can include an initial stage of production. The incorporation of visual content will help to give consistency to the project.

  1. Surface phase

The final phase of the user experience process is to give the project its definitive form. This is where the style guide is created and all the screens are designed. As you can imagine, the main action of this phase is production. Once you have a defined product, the user tests will provide you with valuable feedback to incorporate changes and improvements that will lead you to the final product. At JUMP Data-Driven, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we help you understand your pay-TV business, your viewer behavior, and to personalize the user experience.