How to measure the quality of the customer experience

Discovering how to measure quality of customer experience is vital for any business trying to maintain customer and user loyalty, avoiding customer churn as far as possible. Undoubtedly, one of the keys to the success of any audiovisual business is to get users committed to the content that the company produces and broadcasts. 

At JUMP Data-Driven Video, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we want you to know the 6 metrics oriented to how to measure quality of customer experience. After analyzing and applying them, you will discover which aspects to improve and which to maintain in order to optimize the experience of customers and users on your website. 

What is the quality of customer experience?

In general terms, it is a set of parameters that influence the quality of the user’s experience of a product or service. In the case of a website with audiovisual content, aspects such as the fluidity when accessing the different sections, the search for productions and, in general, the dynamics and aesthetics of the site, together with the quality of the content, will end up defining the user’s experience.

 6 metrics to measure quality of customer experience

To know how to measure quality of customer experience, a good alternative is to apply these 6 metrics: 

 Net Promoter Score (NPS)

This is the most traditional indicator, which consists of asking the user how satisfied they are with the service and whether they would recommend it to others. It is measured in a score from 0 to 10 and can include different aspects in the questionnaire.

Customer Effort Indicator (CES)

This measures the difficulty the user may have in using each section of the portal. A categorization ranging from “very difficult” to “very easy” is established. 

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) 

These are user satisfaction surveys that are typically administered immediately after an interaction with the customer service or sales team. A rating ranging from “very satisfied” to “very dissatisfied” is obtained.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

This is an indicator that shows the economic benefits that each user or customer leaves a company, throughout the entire business relationship. For example, through the payment of monthly subscriptions or the downloading of content.

Response and problem resolution rate

Measures the time it takes for customer service to address and resolve problems raised by users.

Customer abandonment and retention rates

These make it possible to establish the number of users who leave the company’s services (abandonment) and those who remain loyal (retention).

Remember that at JUMP Data-Driven Video, we can help you discover how to measure quality of customer experience. Contact us, and together we will work to achieve the best for your audiovisual content company.