How to personalize the user experience with AI?

From the large video platforms to the smaller ones that want to position themselves in the audiovisual market, they have had to resort to the innovation of technological tools to achieve this and implement strategies that help to personalized user experience also to offering a quality service or product.

Technological progress has made it possible that if the user is dissatisfied or has a bad experience, with a single click he has access to thousands of other competing products. As the offer in the market is infinite, the user will look for a personalized experience. From JUMP TV, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we show you how to achieve personalized user experience through AI.

How to personalize and improve the user experience with Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently the technological tool that allows companies, large or small, to exploit its potential and achieve technological innovation in order to improve the user experience.

AI has different strategies to achieve this:

  • It allows high volumes of data to be stored in the cloud and all at low cost. AI allows obtaining and generating data from users, as well as analyzing their behavior.
  • AI is applied in various sectors to improve the user experience, being precisely the area of video playback services, one of them. 
  • There are several tools that AI offers to improve the user experience and achieve a personalized user experience: it uses natural language processing, data extraction with Machine Learning techniques, where thanks to algorithms, computers identify patterns in massive data, among other advantages. Consequently, AI allows the creation of machine learning models and instant feedback from these models. 
  • The implementation of the virtues of AI allows the creation of high quality products, which can be adjusted to the user’s needs; offer personalized consumer experiences, in order to get new users and at the same time increase the commitment of current customers. In other words, to build customer loyalty over time.
  • Thus, through these user data collection tools and their corresponding analysis, is to know their needs and act on them, Artificial Intelligence has become a crucial tool for companies to improve the user experience based on the demands. 

Examples of AI applications to improve and personalize the user experience. 

Some of the examples that show how to customize user experience are: 

  • Effective communication with the user takes place through different channels: call centers for sales and customer service, through the use of chats or e-mails, the use of e-commerce apps, and of course through social networks (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter).
  • With the correct analysis of these communication channels over time, valuable information about user behavior can be obtained: to know which communication channel is most used, how often they communicate, the reason for communication, etc. This information is used to create user profiles, group them together, and thus be able to provide them with personalized attention according to the way they interact with our product or service.
  • Another example of how AI improves the user experience is with recommendations: after playing a specific type of content, the user will receive recommendations in their social networks of other similar content. And so on with any search performed by the user, in order to increase the probability of purchase and achieve a personalized user experience.
  • AI offers machine learning techniques that are used to detect common patterns in user posts, create categories, e.g. purchase or complaint categories, etc. and find new patterns that may emerge. The benefit is that response channels can be optimized and time improved.
  • AI also implements intelligent bots that, based on the tagging of a message, respond in a personalized and immediate way.
  • With AI, decisions can be made based on concrete information rather than assumptions. Through tools that serve to analyze and classify user behavior, valuable information is obtained and used in the development of metrics: actions and interactions on communication channels are measured, recurring problems are detected, results are evaluated if changes are implemented, etc.

How to customize user experience with JUMP TV services?

Through our platform, you will be able to:

  • Bring the power of AI to your video service and personalize your users’ experience.
  • With JUMP Personalizer, an AI recommendation engine capable of providing contextual content recommendations individualized for each user profile, you will be able to provide them with an ultra-personalized experience.
  • With these tools you will improve conversion rates by around 25%, reduce search times and increase content consumption, “activating” users who are not very engaged, among other benefits.

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