What is a Diagnostic Analysis?

There are different tools to work with your data and make the most of its potential. One of them is the so-called diagnostic analysis. If you want to know what in-depth diagnostic analysis is, what it is for, how it works and what its main advantages are, then read carefully the following.

What is Diagnostic Analysis?

While a descriptive analysis will only include an overview of what the data related to your business shows, a diagnostic analysis goes deeper and delves into the information, to try to discover the reasons that caused a certain result.

For example, a descriptive analysis will only tell you that a specific piece of content from your video player has had more views in the last month, while a diagnostic analysis will try to decipher the data as to why that content was more viewed than others: it will study the type of audience that chose it, the why, the geographical location, age… Do you now understand the importance of perceiving what diagnostic analysis is?

How Does it Work?

A diagnostic analysis will help you to deepen the results of the data: you will not only be left with the conclusions, but you will also be able to know why those results were reached. This is crucial to be able to make decisions in the future, having as much valuable information as possible.

You already know what the diagnostic analysis is, now let’s see how it works. It is usually done through techniques such as data breakdown and discovery, correlations, and data mining.

Each process has its own characteristics. After the discovery, specialists will seek to identify the data sources that will lead them to correctly interpret the results. Meanwhile, the breakdown is the separation of the data according to its nature and is usually carried out with Artificial Intelligence techniques.

On the other hand, data mining consists of applying automation techniques to extract valuable information from a massive group of data. At the same time, correlations focus on data comparatives to find parameters that can guide future research.

Analysts will not focus solely on the data of your project, but will often look for correlations with external data, for example, related to the results of your direct competitors.

Advantages of Diagnostic Analysis

At JUMP Data-Driven Video, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we offer solutions to analyze and make decisions based on data for improving the user experience as well as the possible strategies to be taken. Through business intelligence, we unify your entire business in a single platform from where you can easily analyze all the data of your audience to achieve greater performance.