How niche content providers can benefit from data-driven strategies

Audience demographic data is your secret weapon for improving your video streaming business.
It will come as no revelation to say that the more information we have about our streaming service audience, the better we can manage our streaming business because we are able to align each aspect of our service (the catalog, user experience, marketing campaigns, etc.) to the different audience groups using our service.
In this context, demographic data plays a key role. What are the demographic data points and how can we use them to improve our video streaming service?
Demographic data is general data about the groups of people who access our streaming service. At a minimum this data should include attributes like age, gender, and place of residence.

Demographic data is used to deliver greater insight into our streaming service’s target audience and/or to create the profiles of those so-called “personas.” Demographic data is primarily used to define campaign strategies tailored to customer acquisition, retention, re-capture, and engagement for a respective target group. It is can also be used as the underlying foundation for analyzing our performance reports and the overall success of our streaming business.

Throughout this white paper, we will propose some ideas about how to use a audience demographics data effectively to make a positive impact on your video streaming business.