How to do UX performance testing step by step?

If we understand that the user experience with our services is a key aspect for the success of our business, it is clear that we must take UX performance testing into account and know how to make the most of it. 

From JUMP Data-Driven Video, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we know the importance of measuring the performance of user experiences, especially in an extremely competitive area such as audiovisual services. Continue reading today’s post and discover how to do UX performance testing step by step.

What is performance testing?

User experience performance testing allows us to measure to what extent the relationship between consumers and online platforms or websites are intuitive and functional according to their interests. In other words, they tell us whether our video playback site is useful to the user and where it fails or does not meet their requirements.

How are they evaluated?

Measuring based on UX performance testing is the most important point of the process because it is the one that will provide the information and data that will later allow us to make decisions in the future, maintaining the positive and trying to modify the negative. 

To obtain data on the user experience or the usability of our website, there are different evaluation approaches. Some of the best known are online surveys, face-to-face and offline focus groups, telephone surveys, email questionnaires or web testing sessions with representative users from different groups.

How to do UX performance testing for a video player service step by step

The things you need to consider are as follows:

Define what we are going to measure

The first point to define in UX performance testing is:

  • What do we want to measure with our study? Are we interested in knowing how subscribers are captured on our website?
  • Do we want to know how the contents we have on the portal are distributed and which are most downloaded?
  • Do we have contact forms, and we want to define how many visitors complete them? 

These are just some of the aspects we need to clearly define before moving on to a new step in the process. 

Decide what type of test to implement

There are several possibilities: 

– A test in which users must select between several options on our website, seeking to define which one generates the best user experience.

– A free test, which allows users to test all the sections of the website and see how they react to each one.

– A guided test, similar to the previous one but with indications on what issues they should test on the website, because we seek to specifically measure those points.

– A test that seeks to check the user experience generated by both the mobile version of the website and the desktop version, looking to compare which one performs better. 

Defining the success rate and other important metrics

The third step of UX performance testing is to determine what percentage we will understand as successful in the tests and, ultimately, how all the metrics and indicators that will give numerical support to the study will be structured.

Analyzing the results of the UX performance tests

Once the three previous steps have been completed and the tests have been carried out, the most important task lies ahead: analyzing the results obtained, not only from the figures but also looking for the hidden meaning behind them. All this information will be crucial to make future decisions about our business.

Remember that at JUMP Data-Driven Video, we have all the experience and capacity necessary to advise you on the UX performance testing process and ensure the best possible results.