How to make a segmentation strategy successful?

A good segmentation strategy is essential to create a foundation on which to build a great strategy to attract new customers and deliver personalized messages to the audience.

Jump Data-Driven Video, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, specializes in audience and video service data processing. In addition, we will help you understand what segmentation strategies are, how to do them correctly and what types of audience segmentation exist.

What are targeting strategies?

Targeting strategies are plans that a company uses to divide and differentiate its target from the rest of the users. When segmentation is carried out, a company is able to separate and order the different groups of consumers to select the one that interests it most and on which it should focus its message to increase its revenue and achieve a greater number of sales.

A segmentation strategy helps to create ads or communications that are more likely to convert a user into a customer. In this sense, at Jump Data-Driven we offer a comprehensive service to know subscriber data, as well as complete audience metrics, that can help create a great segmentation strategy. In addition, through our JUMP Retention service, audience segmentations can be created based on audience behavior to increase revenue and minimize the likelihood of users abandoning the platform.

Types of audience segmentation

There are four types of audience targeting strategies depending on the segments a company is targeting:

Undifferentiated segmentation strategy.

Also called undifferentiated, this strategy is used when a company has a massive commercial vision. Its use is based on the fact that, although a company knows the different segments in which it sells, it does not differentiate and makes the decision not to focus on any of them.

Differentiated segmentation strategy

This strategy is used by companies when, after knowing the segments of the audience, they decide to focus on two or more fractions of it. This strategy allows developing different advertising actions for each of the selected segments.

In this sense, with the data provided by JUMP Retention, a differentiated segmentation strategy can be created to obtain subscribers in various segments of the audience, varying and adjusting the message to their tastes and behaviors.

Personalized segmentation strategy

This is a differentiated segmentation strategy in which the audience data and the different segments are further specified. It is used, above all, to design campaigns using personalized messages that are distributed through the channels preferred by the targeted users. This strategy is perfect for reaching only specific segments.

Concentrated targeting strategy

A concentrated targeting strategy is said to be used when a company identifies several segments, but decides to focus on only one of them. This strategy is used when the company cannot cover all its potential customers due to lack of budget and decides to focus only on the segment with the greatest potential.

How to make a segmentation strategy successful?

For a segmentation strategy to be successful, the first thing is to know what the target audience is, for this it is best to know what is working and who consumes these contents. At Jump Data-Driven we have tools such as Content Performance that help to identify what content is successful and when it is successful, to achieve a greater commercial impact.

On the other hand, Jump Data-Driven’s Content Audience Profile will also help to recognize which content is performing better by extracting data such as play time, unique viewers per country or total plays, among others.

Performing a good segmentation strategy is complicated, so at Jump Data-Driven we provide you with several tools to perform the best analysis and achieve a perfect segmentation to avoid losing subscribers and achieve higher profits.