What is the multi-segment strategy?

When a company wants to sell a product or service and wants to do so in the most optimized way possible, it is best to opt for a multi-segment strategy. Segmenting the audience is a great way to reach targets and increase revenue with less effort than selling without any differentiation.

At Jump Data-Driven Video, a business data management platform designed specifically for video service players, we are going to explain what a multi-segment strategy is, why it is important to segment your audience and in what ways you can do it.

Why is it important to segment your audience?

Audience segmentation allows all the content, products or services that a company wants to sell to be offered to the part of the market that might be interested in them. In other words, segmentation allows you to divide a large audience into a more specific niche that you can work with and apply targeted marketing strategies to.

In Jump Data-Driven Video we have tools that help to segment the audience and to take advantage of it once it is defined. For example, with JUMP Retention you can segment your audience and then identify key retention actions. Through JUMP Retention, you have the ability to understand why your customers are abandoning your subscription service and how you can predict these behaviors to avoid them in the future, improving audience retention.

Types of segmentation

Audiences can’t be segmented in just one way. Actually, it can be done in countless ways, but these are the most useful and widespread types of segmentation:

Demographic targeting

Demographic targeting is one of the most common ways to segment your audience. It is based on knowing the data that defines the audience and using it to segment it. This data can be of all types, such as age, gender or sexual orientation, income, profession or educational level, among others.

Audience behavioral targeting

The segmentation by audience behavior or behavioral segmentation is so called because it takes into account how users behave, how loyal they are to a brand or how the audience responds to a certain product or service.

JUMP Retention offers the possibility of performing a behavioral segmentation of the audience of a service in order to know data about them, such as their degree of loyalty to the brand, which part of the audience is more determined to buy the service or to renew a subscription and why, and also, based on this data, it is also possible to know what type of users buy, under what conditions and why.

Psychographic targeting

This type of segmentation uses data inherent to the audience’s personality. All the variables that can be analyzed are: personality, lifestyle, values, attitudes and interests of the user.

What is the multi-segment strategy?

As its name suggests, the multi-segment segmentation strategy is to divide the market audience into several segments. These fractions will allow targeted marketing messages and strategies to be optimized to achieve the best results.

This type of strategy is widely used to sell the same product to different segments, changing the message based on consumer behavior, demographics or personality to achieve sales in different sections of society.

With Jump Data-Driven Video and our JUMP Retention service, you can segment your audience to achieve better results in subscribers to your video service, increase user retention, and predict and correct abandonment of your platform, which will increase your profits.