Video streaming: What content type is the most consumed?

It came to stay, and its presence grows bigger and bigger in our lives: Video streaming is the order of the day. All of us are consuming it, all the time. Simply having a mobile phone or tablet is enough to take advantage of this new way of consuming content. But, what types of content are the most watched? What kind of information are we looking for when we stream videos? Are social media networks the predominant option for streamed content or is the streaming domain overshadowed by the big, dedicated content platforms?

With the explosion of new technologies, information consumption has been turned on its head. Print media and other offline channels continue to have their place, of course, but consumption of the written word has fallen to historical lows. Users are looking for another way to consume information and entertainment; they increasingly demand audiovisual content. It is faster, more streamlined, and easier to consume. The media, business, and social media platforms alike have recognized the benefits of video streaming.

Video content is a much more effective way to increase the much-desired, must-have customer engagement and to stand out from the competition with compelling, differentiating content. According to a study by the Media Insight Project, significant numbers of consumers have changed their consumption habits. Prominent among these consumers are young people like the famed millennial generation — not to mention recent generations of “digital natives” for whom watching streamed videos is second nature. This group, more than any other, represents the true prospective customer and the future of the industry.

The facts speak for themselves. On Facebook, videos have a 291% greater reach than other content such as news using links and photos, resulting in 375% more clicks. According to Responsive Inbound Marketing, audiovisual content is shared 1200% more than texts and images. On Facebook alone, a whopping 100 million hours of streamed video is consumed every day. Of this, 94% is watched by millennials. And users spend three times more time watching live video than videos on demand.

The types of content delivered as streamed video

Tutorials. This is a common type of streamed video. It is also known as “how to” content. This kind of content aims to show the audience how to simply and logically carry out a task. Sometimes video editing is not required as the video is played live and user questions can be addressed as the tutorial is played.

Interviews. Interviews are another type of indispensable video streaming content, both in the world of business and in the entertainment industry. The public likes to see the interviewee in real time, their spontaneity, the way they express themselves. A video of a live interview is not the same thing as an offline edited or prepped interview.

Influencers. At present, one of the most booming types of content for streaming video are those videos that have brand ambassadors or influencers who not only “sell” the product but also promote an event or important happening on behalf of the brand’s company. These influencers drastically increase the engagement with online video content.

Q&A sessions. Question and answer sessions are another ideal option for entertainment companies. These streaming sessions help the public feel closer to the brand, the product, or the event being promoted by providing additional information about the event. Spontaneity and creating expectations are also goals, specifically in relation to premieres or new content.

Advertising. Another content option are streaming videos produced as advertisements for the entertainment sector. The impact and expectations created for a specific product, launch, or new feature can be measured by using these ads. Companies, of course, can use this data to identify and drive changes in the interest of the business, like putting a concrete action plan in place to optimize their digital strategy.

It cannot be disputed that video streaming has gone mainstream, not only as an essential tool for businesses, but also as a fundamental element for entertainment companies. Increasingly more content is consumed, the impact is much greater, and the message is received much more quickly and clearly. Video streaming is not the future. It’s the now!