What is a data-driven model and what is it for?

Knowing how to use the data collected is key to creating a development model based on that data that leads to success. Here is how you can apply this data-driven model to your business and the benefits you could see.

What is a data-driven model?

Data-driven models refer to how the logical structure of a database is modeled. A database model also includes relationships and constraints that determine how data can be stored and accessed. Models for data storage and management were established decades ago. Data has always played a fundamental role in companies and institutions. With an infinity of applications, data-driven models have become the focus of the greater investment.

Types of database models

There are different types of database models. The most important are:

  • Hierarchical Databases: Information is stored hierarchically.
  • Network Model: This model brings improvements to the hierarchical model to eliminate data redundancy.
  • Relational Model: This is the most common model of all. It arranges the data in tables that are known as “relationships” in the standard table format of fields divided into rows and columns. Relationships can be established between the data in the tables, improving data management functionality.
  • Object-Oriented Database Model: This model is different from the others. It defines a database as a collection of reusable objects or pieces of software and associated features and methods. This includes the multimedia database and the hypertext database.

Other examples of database models are the entity-relationship model, entity-attribute-value, star schema, and document models.

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